The History of Teacher's Day that Happened on November 25, Along with the Birth of PGRI

Channel Rakyat. Today, Sunday (11/25/2018) is celebrated as National Teacher's Day. The National Teacher's Day which fell on November 25 was determined by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia with Presidential Decree No. 78 of 1994.

National Teacher's Day is a sign of the formation of the Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association (PGRI).

Launching from Banjarmasin Post, the commemoration of National Teacher's Day in several countries was even made a national holiday, while in Indonesia it was celebrated in the form of a memorial service in schools.

Apparently, National Teacher's Day has a long history.

Reported by from various sources, the National Teacher's Day began with the struggle of indigenous teachers in the Dutch colonial era which was founded in 1912.

The organization was named the Dutch East Indies Teachers Association (PGHB) which consisted of various teachers with different educational backgrounds.

With the development of PGHB, other teacher organizations emerged.

Each consists of Assistive Teacher Association (PGUB), Village Teacher Association (PGD), Ambachtsschool Teacher Association (PGAS), Normaalschool Association (PNS), Hogere Kweekschool Bond (HKSB), and many more.

In 1932, the PGHB was changed to the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGI).

The name change by including Indonesia behind him surprised the Dutch East Indies government.

The Indonesian word that reflects the spirit of nationalism is very much disliked by the Dutch.

During the Japanese occupation, all organizations were banned, schools were closed, PGI did not carry out its activities again.

After Indonesia's independence, PGI held an Indonesian Teacher Congress on November 24-25 1945 in Surakarta City.

Then on November 25, 1945, the Republic of Indonesia Teacher Association (PGRI) began to take shape.

The day was also designated as Teacher's Day but there was no official decision from the Government.

Only in 1994, Teacher's Day was officially commemorated through Presidential Decree No. 78 of 1994.


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